Whether you drive locally or commute to work everyday, Carnote makes auto care simple and affordable for everyone. It keeps track of the day-to-day health of your car, helps you save money on repairs & maintenance, and much more.
Join WaitlistCar problems can happen at the worst possible times and often come without warning. In fact, 1 in every 5 cars on the road today are in need of some major service or repair that the driver is unaware of. With Carnote, we want to solve this problem once and for all by empowering car owners and making auto care simple and affordable for everyone.
Carnote predicts problems before they happen! This is possible because most of the parts in your vehicle have a lifespan measured in either time or miles. Carnote measures this and many other factors to paint a picture of your car’s health and help you keep up with everything from routine maintenance to major repairs. And the best part – we can do this entirely from your smartphone.
Carnote offers a simple way to understand your car's health at-a-glance. Your score illustrates the condition of your car by measuring your service history and driving habits. So the higher your score, the less chance of having problems on the road.
The timeline allows you to easily manage your service history. When you receive a recommendation, it’s added to the top of the timeline. Scroll down, and all of your past services are listed in the order they were completed.
Not everyone is an expert when it comes to auto care. That's why we took special care with every aspect of Carnote to ensure it's easy to use and not too technical. Which means you won't have trouble understanding a service recommendation, or determining when to take your car in for repair.
Carnote provides a variety of stats to help you understand the health of your car. With this data you can easily spot patterns, monitor performance, and make adjustments to your driving habits that can maintain your car's health over time.
With each recommendation Carnote provides quotes and reviews from nearby service centers. So if you're ready to take your car in for service, you can compare rates, save time, and take the guess work out of finding a repair shop.
We want to revolutionize automotive care and Carnote is just the beginning. Join our waiting list and be among the first to get Carnote for free when it's available.
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